Want to get more tinder matches? Then you’ll have to know how to get swiped right on Tinder!
Today’s generation of men have it way better with all these online dating apps you can download on your mobile phone. With a few taps, you can already download tinder, one of the most popular free dating apps available in IOS and Android! A lot of guys ask just how to get more swipes and how to get swiped right on tinder. Well then, let’s get to how to get more tinder matches this time!
Back then you had to pick up girls in person – and we all know how hard that can be today! Frankly, when you’re looking to get laid for the night or find your dream girl to spend the rest of your life with, it’s a well-known fact that the internet and mobile devices really changed the game for good this time.
Even when you’re one hell of a good looking dude, you may not have that much luck with landing a hot and lovely babe if you don’t use the internet to your advantage!
You see, nowadays, most meet ups are done online beforehand – the ever awaited for line: “here’s my number” happens even before you see her in person! It even saves you the awkward “maybe she’s into this or that” questions.
Tinder is widely popular among other online dating apps, still one of the top dating apps of 2017! Dozens of aspiring young bachelors (and others you probably know that aren’t) download tinder to keep themselves in the game.
How tinder works is all about getting matches; and the key how to get more tinder matches, complete with responses from women you like – is not just to DO the right things, but make sure you DON’T do common mistakes, too! When a person swipes right to your profile, or responds to you swiping her right, then it’s bingo! So, what should you do? What are the steps on “how to get swiped right on tinder?”
Allow me to help you out!
I’d recommend every single guy to have this app on their mobiles. Download tinder if you haven’t yet – if you have, then this list of things NOT to do will definitely help you out! These few things are to make sure you’re not one of those chick-repellant accounts women abhor so much when using tinder.
Start swiping with an incomplete profile
Don’t be a lazy bum. Chicks hate that! When they see you trying to get their attention with an incomplete profile it shows how lazy you are! You don’t even put in enough effort or time to finish something you started, and if something as easy as putting up a decent profile in a tinder app is something you can’t do, then you’re definitely not worth their time!
So, how to get swiped right on tinder, you ask? Priority one, complete that profile:
- Women of all kinds love a man of action, and a man that can get things done. That’s what attracts them the most, and that’s why most assertive men get the women they want. Having a complete profile is proof of that.
- Make sure you complete the profile with the necessary information and pics up and ready for them to see. Connect it with your Instagram account and personalize your profile well.
When using the tinder app, you don’t have to be overly lavish, put in just enough to show everything you need. A pic, a tagline, your basic info. Don’t leave anything blank.
Pretend to be someone you’re not

Even when most people advice to cheat in online dating apps like tinder once in awhile, we don’t recommend doing that. The best way to win women over, is to be you. (Sound corny? Well you’ll have to know why)
Some men think it’s better to use a profile pic that doesn’t show their face – like a cartoon or anime character, or a pic of a celebrity, a drawing, or just a pic of their favorite band or poster. How’s that going to help with meeting up? Sure, if you’re into cybersex you might get a few replies, but are you really sure you’re chatting with a hot chick on the other side? Role playing in online dating chat rooms may be fun, but that’s for the boys: Real men use the internet to meet real hot women and hook up. Also, do not use a celebrity name or some kind of attention seeking profile name with a lot of unnecessary gibberish and misrepresentation. Who are you fooling? The most you’ll get out of having a fake name for attention are fake accounts and women who just want you for cash or someone they can laugh at.
It feels great to have a response using a profile that’s you and not of someone else. You’ll get more genuine responses and you’ll have less disappointment when you finally decide to meet up. It also boosts your confidence which overall increases your chances of getting the girl!
- Use your own pic and name and don’t steal another image. You’re only fooling yourself if you’re pretending to be someone you’re not.
- Fake attracts fake. Simply put, if you’re using a fake account to get responses, you’ll also get fake replies from fake accounts.
- Women hate lies. If you want to get together with a genuine person, then drop all the lies. You only get what you give, and that’s also true when you’re using online dating apps.
Use pics that ruin first impressions 
Honestly, in today’s fast paced world the mentality of first impressions last was exponentially increased, especially after the advent of the internet and social media.
Scientifically, the human mind is highly dependent on one sense compared to others – sight. When you use your tinder app, the very first thing that you detect and perceive is the profile picture. Use this to your advantage. Another key how to get more swipes is to nail that important first impression.
It’s not all about using filters or edits, just make sure your pic isn’t indecent. Have some class, and show them your cards well. Don’t ruin the first impression with an embarrassing pic.
- As fun as drunken pics are to look at, you’re only making a fool of yourself if you’re using a drunk pic as your profile picture.
- When partial nudity is eye catching, post one with grace – like a beach or pool pic. Avoid bathroom selfies please.
- No cover ups. Take off that overly large sunglasses or party hat. And please don’t wear a mask in your profile pic.