Oftentimes in online dating, its always about how to get more tinder matches for guys, or generally just how to get more swipes on tinder. If you’re looking for more matches and how to get girls to swipe right to you – then we’re here to help you out!
Here’s part 2 of things NOT to do after you download tinder to get more tinder matches! If you’re looking to answer the frequently asked how to get swiped right on tinder, or how to get more tinder matches, then make sure you’ve read part 1 of this two-part article to help you get more dates with women you want through the internet and online dating apps like tinder!
Be a tasteless douchebag
So you’ve heard rumors that nice guys finish last. So you’ve always wondered how bad boys attract girls. Have you tried being the “bad boy” yet still get the short end of the stick when dating? Let me tell you what you’re doing wrong.
Being a bad boy actually isn’t per se the thing that attracts a woman. Maybe kids with daddy issues, yes, but the ladies actually fall for the man that plays a dynamic and active role. That’s the part of the “bad boy” image that works – it’s not the drugs, alcohol, messy appearance or the constant breaking of the rules – but it’s the dominating and assertive nature that gets them.
Did you really think that by just getting a tattoo, breaking the law, disrespecting people and throwing your class out the window makes you instantly a whole lot more attractive to women? (I’m not against getting tattoo’s, I have one myself but you get the picture)
If you want to get more swipes on tinder, take out everything that makes you a tasteless douchebag and keep the assertiveness and confidence. You’ll see that more and more women love having the dominating gentleman over the reckless delinquent.
- Your tagline, and everything else in your profile, should show respect to women and to everyone in general.
- Avoid profanity
- Don’t show a pic of you flashing a middle finger. It’s not cool, bro.
- Make sure you’re well groomed in your image. From your profile pics to your instagram photos.
- Remove any embarrassing or vulgar pictures of you – like pics of you passing out or puking, pics of you drinking or vandalizing, playing pranks, or just pics of you being a general douchebag. We could do well without them.
Darken your profile

Another DON’T in our how to get more swipes on tinder advice involves not using too much dark filters. I’ve seen many use black and white filters and shadows in their profile pics. If you’re going for the tall, dark, and handsome approach, you might want to hold off on the darker side. And if you’re going to use filters, then make sure you’re using the right ones!
It’s been proven that darker profiles in social media are connected to increased depression and anxiety compared to brighter and more vibrant ones. When you feel that adding a darker tone or going black and white with your pics on tinder will help hide blemishes, wrinkles, or baby fats, it’s adversely decreasing your chances of getting swiped right – girls will start instinctively avoiding darker profiles without second thought. The same goes for when you’re adding a tagline that’s too vague and even borderline scary. Even when you’re into “Emo” girls there’s still a line that gets crossed when you’re being too dark and depressing.
Keep in mind that the human body and mental state is programmed in a way to allow certain inputs to look and feel favorable over others. Use that to your advantage and avoid what triggers women to swipe left even before they have a chance to view your profile entirely!
- Don’t be too mysterious. No dark silhouettes or hiding behind walls or trees.
- Use brighter filters to highlight yourself and what’s happening around you.
- Have day pics with a brighter, fun background instead of night pics or ones with something dark and depressing, like a cloudy sky or a rainy day.
- Throw in a great smile instead of a frown or a serious look.
- Make your tagline about fun stuff, like how you feel great after a good trip to the beach or how you like music. Again, no drama or depressive stuff.
Sound too desperate for attention

Here’s another common mistake for guys. Sounding too desperate to land a good date can be a major turn off for women. You’re not going to get swiped right if you’re too desperate to get laid or too desperate to get the nearest girl to meet you.
Let’s say you just recently had a break up and are going through your tinder app like crazy saying you’re going to sleep with anyone that swipes right. Or that you’re saying you really have to have someone to be with tonight no matter what. Or worse, you’re saying you’re gonna do anything just to get laid.
Have some respect for yourself, man. Women won’t throw themselves right in front of you no matter how much you force them to in social media. Sounding too desperate is a sure turn off. The way to woman’s heart is a delicate process, even with the use of dating apps – forcing yourself isn’t going to do you any good. You’ll definitely get more swipes on tinder if you take the cool and collected approach
- There is such a thing as being too assertive. Your tagline should sound natural and free from anything that gives a message that you want to bang anyone that’s nearest to you or willing.
- Don’t write a long story about your life. Reserve some info for when you’re opening up a conversation in chat or during a meet up. A little mystery can help.
- Avoid talking about paying for sex at all costs. You’re not just disrespecting women, but you most likely will attract scam and fake accounts that way.
- Save the drama from your profile. Saying you’re fresh off a break up and talking about how bad your previous relationships were isn’t going to help you.